Friday, April 27, 2012

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

I think it'd make the team less up-tight kind of like the Red Sox or A's. The clubhouse would be much more looser and have less drama in my opinion.

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

I think it does take away from the chemistry of the team because there are no individuals and no one is allowed to be themselves but I do not think that it has that big of an impact. The Yankees do have chemistry problems and maybe allowing people to be a little more relaxed would help out in the end.

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

u dont think soo. i think that its smart the people on the yankees have short hair so it doesnt get in there eyes while playing

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

Yes. Especially if they required mustaches.

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

They're gonna be looser and have less drama because they don't have facial hair? ... uhhh, ok??? Obviously whatever they're doing it's working.

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

It worked for Boston and the "Idiots".... they should listen to Damon... could you imagine Jeter with long hair and a beard? HA!

Would the Yankees win more games if they let guys keep facial hair and longer head hair?

It worked for the 1973 Oakland A's.

I find it interesting that in a city that not only welcomes non-conformists but celebrates them that the Yankees want all of their player to look like mid-western boys going to Sunday school. WTF is that about ?

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