Thursday, April 26, 2012

Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

i dont really care what the hairstyle is, as long as its clean and you can tell that you put some kind of effort into it. I don't however think that a guy should have long hair. that is a big no no. as for facial hair, it really depends on the facial structure. I like facial hair on guys, if they have the bone structure to pull it off.

Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

Facial hair is a definite no no - same as body hair (chest/back) - Yuk!

Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

Any type of hairstyle as long as its clean and free of hairstyling products with the exception of the kind that you can touch without having to run wash your hands. El Gross out!

Facial hair is a turn on for me when its precision neat. I like that.


Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

I like a little facial hair on my men preferrably a goatee, trimmed side burns, just neatly groomed. If he has smooth face, low cut hairstyle. Although I once was attracted to a guy with long hair, I tend to be more attracted to lowcuts. It depends on their facial features.

Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

I love long hair,it can't be notty or nasty though.With the facial hair it don't really matter as long as it's clean and not matty looking.

Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

a bit messy or clean cut. no like army hair cuts or long hair.

No facial hair either.

Girls, what type of hairstyles turn you on...facial hair too?

shaggy or messy hair(the hott kind not the dirty smells like garbage type) that doesnt have a bunch of style products in it. all around slight stubble is hott as well. (minus the moustache..moustaches are definatly not attractive)

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